On Saturday late afternoon, Nora and Lisa went by Metro to downtown Washing DC to an anti-war march. Nora gave her first interview, with a woman reporter for ABC radio. Nora spoke into the reporter's mic: "I came here to tell the President -- because this is where he lives -- that he needs to stop the war so that the soldiers can come home to their families." I haven't been able to find out if the reporter used the quote. That was pretty much the message of our group, Military Families Speak Out (http://www.mfso.org/): end the Iraq war, bring the soldiers home, and take care of them when they get home.
At home that night, Nora found a purple sticky note pad and began “writing.” She produced an indecipherable scribble on each of about 20 pages of purple note paper. But, on one note she wrote quite legibly:
At home that night, Nora found a purple sticky note pad and began “writing.” She produced an indecipherable scribble on each of about 20 pages of purple note paper. But, on one note she wrote quite legibly:
This is great stuff. Have you asked MFSO to put a link to your blog on their web site? Just a thought. Nora spoke quite well to the reporter-- right to the point. This is going to be such a fun way to keep up with all of you, living down there, not around the corner. Can I put in a plug for my blog? Oh why not. I gave it a name that just came to me-- not exactly sure why but it grabbed me. "Work it out while you can." http://www.workitoutwhileyoucan.blogspot.com/
If you think of another name, let me know. You came up with terrific names for your blogs.
all my love, Wec
Nice to see the media star is having a great life. Has she heard Mak's Mozart Concerti, yet ? Hard to come by, but there is also the Vivaldi cd ("La Cetra") that is occasionally available, despite being already out of print. And did you know that Mak's Brahms Concerto has been re-issued (from the original tapes !) and available, although only at www.amazon.fr. Of course, Brahms might be a bit heavy for Nora at this point, but it is still worth having in the house.
How is Ani ?
I miss you.
- jw
Oh! I'm so glad to hear from both of you! Posting things about daily life is so much more fun than I ever imagined, because I never imagined THIS -- getting in tune with old friends. Wec, I think I'll start a part of the website where it has links to all the "family" blogs!
Jer, I thought of you tonight. Nora is usually a very bubbly kid, but tonight I was holding Nora after the end of her current favorite movie ("Cars") and she said, "Mommy, I feel sad because of the things that happen in the world." I asked her if she was thinking about sad things, and she said, "Yes, but I really mean ALL the things that happen in the whole world." I wondered what you would make of that, and what would be the next question to ask her?
Thanks for putting a link to my blog in your blog! Your wonderful photographs inspired me to post more photographs to my blog, so thank you for that inspiration also! I was getting blogged down in heavier stuff that I wasn't ready to write too much about yet.
Hello to all of you. Tell Nora that Wec (not Wacky) says hello. And hello to all the rest.
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